Current supporters

Development Board
Elizabeth Pryce, Chair
Heather Acton
Nick Barnes
Sujata Bhatia
Sir Damon Buffini
Louise Charlton
Victoria Corcoran
James Garvey
Robin Geffen
Kate Groes
Andrea Harris
Kitty Harris
Priya Heal
Elizabeth Jack
Steven Larcombe
Hannah Lewis
Rafael Marquez
Emma Marsh
Shifali Mudumba
Sheryl Needham
Marc Polonsky
Elizabeth Rantzen
Francesca Robinson
Maria Sebastian
Phil Smith
Emma Turner
Charlotte Warshaw
Jacqueline Worswick
Anthony Zammit
Board of the American Associates of the National Theatre
Leila Maw Straus, Chair
Francis Aquila
William G Bardel
Ronald Beck
Jill Coyle
Shawn M Donnelley
Sir Robert Fairbairn
Lawton W Fitt
Monica Gerard-Sharp
Beth Glynn
John Hoffman
Fiona Howe Rudin
Maxine Isaacs
Raymond Joabar
Jeanne Linnes
Bridget Macaskill
Stephanie P. McClelland
Carolyn MacDonald
Jeffrey Peek
Betsy Pitts
Jay Stein
Jaymere Stein
Arielle Tepper
US Artist Council
James Corden
Bryan Cranston
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Andrew Garfield
Katori Hall
Nathan Lane
Helen Mirren
David Oyelowo
Samira Wiley
Individual Giving
Leadership Gifts
Sir Damon & Lady Buffini
Sir Lloyd & Lady Dorfman
Marcia & Richard Grand
Michael Kors & Lance Le Pere
Sir Deryck & Lady Va Maughan
Stephanie & Carter McClelland
Marit Mohn
Mark Pigott KBE KStJ
The Thompson Family Charitable Trust
Stian Westlake
Graham & Joanna Barker
Sabine & Richard Chalmers
Mark & Sarah Crosbie
Richard & Kara Gnodde
The Huo Family Foundation
Dominic & Sarah Murphy
Elizabeth Pryce
Clive & Sally Sherling
Leila Maw Straus
Jan & Michael Topham
Charlotte & Simon Warshaw
Jacqueline & Richard Worswick
Areté Foundation / Betsy & Ed Cohen
Tim & Sarah Bunting
Lawton W Fitt & James I McLaren Foundation
The Philip & Janice Levin Foundation
Heni Koenigsberg
Julia & Hans Rausing
and 2 anonymous donors
The Attwood Education Foundation
The Aurum Charitable Trust
Penny & Bill Bardel
Alex Beard & Emma Vernetti
Cynthia & Ronald Beck
Chalk Cliff Trust
Louise Charlton
John & Jill Coyle
The Cranshaw Corporation
Eggardon Trust
Sir Robert & Lady Sarah Fairbairn
Lydia & Manfred Gorvy
Kate & Arne Groes
Frances Hellman & Warren Breslau
The Hintze Family Charitable Foundation
Fiona Howe Rudin
Maxine Isaacs
Katie Bradford Arts Trust
Edward McKinley & Kathleen Lavidge
The Mailman Foundation
The MAP Fund
Ian & Beth Mill
Susan Miller & Byron Grote
Mirisch and Lebenheim Charitable Foundation
The Mosawi Foundation
Crevan O’Grady & Jane McClenahan
Betsy and Rob Pitts
The Pritzker Pucker Family Foundation
Melanie & Nick Richards
Tony & Linda Rubin
Tim & Cathy Score
Mike Staunton
Maria Vecchiotti
Sian & Matthew Westerman
Marcia Whitaker
and 2 anonymous donors
Project Support
Celia & Edward Atkin CBE
Cas Donald
Monica Gerard-Sharp & Ali Wambold
Joyce Kan
Tuixen Foundation
The Council for Canadian American Relations
The Nicol Family Foundation
and 3 anonymous donors
Olivier Circle
Eric Abraham & Sigrid Rausing
Tina Alexandrou
Francis J Aquila
Jamie & Louise Arnell
Ginny & Humphrey Battcock
David & Beth Blood
Barbara Broccoli CBE
Michael & Mary Carpenter
Kieran Chalker
Sir Trevor & Lady Chinn
James & Victoria Corcoran
Stephen & Katherine Dainton
Shawn M Donnelley & Christopher M Kelly
Peggy & Mark Ellis
Peter & Leanda Englander
Stephen Fitzgerald AO & Julie Fitzgerald
Emily Fletcher
Paul Friedman & Diane Manley
Adrian Frost
Jonathan & Sonita Gale
James & Deirdre Garvey
Alex & Elena Gerko
Beth & Gary Glynn
Lorna Gradden
Chris & Angela Graham
Ros & Alan Haigh
Lord & Lady Hattersley
John & Sally Hayes
Priya & Marcus Heal
Madeleine Hodgkin
Cathy MacNeil Hollinger & Mark Hollinger
Roberto Hoornweg & Katleen Van Roost
Sue Howes & Greg Dyke
Yan Huo
Thomas & Judy Iovino
Helen Jenkins
Luce Julien
Mr & Mrs Jack Keenan
George Kessler
Melanie J. Johnson
Steven Larcombe & Sonya Leydecker
Marcia Levy
Marcus Margulies
Christopher & Carol Osborne
Tessa Osborne
Jeff & Liz Peek
Dr S M Ponnappa
Ceinwen & Jonathan Rees
Sakana Foundation
Sir Robin & Lady Saxby
Sheila & Richard J Schwartz
Jon & NoraLee Sedmak
Carol Sellars
Richard Sharp
Peter & Esther Smedvig
Tozer Family Trust
Ian, Victoria & Lucinda Watson
Nick & Chrissie Wheeler
Peter Williams & Heather Acton
Anna Wintour
Kathleen J Yoh
and 5 anonymous donors
Nancy Austin
Nick Barnes
Philip & Cassie Bassett
Peter & Ali Bennett-Jones
Jewelle & Nathaniel Bickford
Charlie & Lulu Bott
Sarah & Chris Britton
Broughton Family Charitable Trust
Michele Burns & Deborah A. Jamison
Mara Burros Sandler
Jane Caldwell Jackson
Russ & Linda Carr
Louis & Bonnie Cohen
Marty & Michele Cohen
Rene Cruz
Marian Davis
Davis/Dauray Family Fund
John & Catherine Debs
Remmel Dickinson
Katharine Duhamel
Stephen Edge & Jane Fogg
Alyce Faye Eichelberger-Cleese
Hilary & Rupert Evenett
Barbara G Fleischman
Roger & Jane Formby
Adam & Victoria Freudenheim
Jim & Michelle Gibson
Stephen Graham & Laura Bickford
Jo-Ann Gregory
Clifford & Sooozee Gundle
Ellie & Roger Guy
Linda Hackett
Dede Harris
Ricardo Hornos
Kate Howe
Penny Jackson
Thomas & Kitty Kempner
Ami & Raj Kotecha
Khalid Laith
Christopher & Cathy Lawrence
The Lloyd Square Foundation
John Makinson & Nandana Sen
Frederic Marguerre
Aditya Mehta
Joyce Menschel
Richard Mishaan
Peter & Maggie Murray-Smith
Judith Neiman
Jeffery & Sally Onions
Andrew & Jane Onslow
Dalip & Chandrika Pathak
Tom & JaMel Perkins
Tushar and Rewati Prabhu
George & Karen Rathman
Bruce Ratner & Linda Johnson
Olivia & Luigi Rizzo
Jennifer Rogers
Daryl Roth
Eric Rouzier
Marilyn Rust & Dan Warren
Sir Pushpinder Saini
Hazel Shanken
Michael & Melanie Sherwood
Stephanie & Fred Shuman
Harry & Florence Sloan
Andrew Smith
Christopher & Sarah Smith
Jay & Deanie Stein
Jaymere Stein
Mary Ann Tighe
Matthew Tobin
Tom & Diana Tuft
Anita Volz Wien & Byron Wien
Gerry Wakelin
Barry Williams & Lalita Tademy
Kay Yun & Andre Neumann-Loreck
James D Zirin & Marlene Hess
and 7 anonymous donors
Life Benefactors
Eric Abraham & Sigrid Rausing
Access Industries
Irwin & Mary Ackerman
Jonathan & Marie-Claire Agnew
Jeffrey Archer
Celia & Edward Atkin CBE
Royce & Rotha Bell
Ron Beller & Jennifer Moses
Brian Berger & Jody Locker Berger
Tony & Gisela Bloom
Benjamin Bonas
Katie Bradford
Ivor Braka Ltd
Neil & Sarah Brener
Julia Brodie
The Deborah Loeb Brice Foundation
Jonathan Brooks & Clare Laffin
Russ & Linda Carr
Camilla Cazalet
Terri & Timothy Childs
Sir Trevor & Lady Chinn
Janet M Christensen
Myoung-Cheul Chung
Sir Ronald & Lady Cohen
Ian & Caroline Cormack
Sidney & Elizabeth Corob
Lin & Ken Craig & the Aloisia Hofmann Charitable Trust
Lord Dalmeny
Jose & David Dent
Sir Harry Djanogly
Edward Dolan-Abrahams
Justin & Emma Dowley
James & Elizabeth Downing
Dame Vivien Duffield DBE
Robyn Durie
David Dutton
Glenn & Phyllida Earle
Ambassador & Mrs Edward E Elson
Jane M & Howard D Epstein
Joey Esfandi
John & Jill Fairchild
John & Tawna Farmer
Mr & Mrs Stuart Fiertz
Maureen & Allan Fisher
Lawton W Fitt & James I McLaren Foundation
Emily Fletcher
Clara & Michael Freeman
Daniel & Joanna Friel
Jacqueline & Michael Gee Charitable Trust
Monica Gerard-Sharp
Jill & Jack Gerber
Mrs Juliet Gibbs
Beth & Gary Glynn
Michael Godbee
Lydia & Manfred Gorvy
Nick & Julie Gould
Michael Grade CBE
Evelyn & David Green
Gabrielle, Lady Greenbury
Jill Hackel & Andrzej Zarzycki
Katherine Hallgarten
Dr Martin Halusa
The Philip & Pauline Harris Charitable Trust
Susan & Richard Hayden
Morven Heller
The Hintze Family Charitable Foundation
David Hobbs
Dr & Mrs Alan J Horan
Clare & Bernard Horn
Nita Jackson
Lord & Lady Jacobs
Joseph & Jill Karaviotis
Linda Keenan
Mathilda & Terence Kennedy Charitable Trust
Gillian & Vimal Khosla
Mark J & Elizabeth L Kogan Charitable Fund
Bruce & Suzie Kovner
The Mark Krueger Charitable Fund
Jon & Mary Leadbetter
Kenneth & Melissa Leet
A Lenson
Lady Lever
Sir Stuart & Lady Lipton
Thomas Lynch
Edward McKinley & Kathleen Lavidge
Justin & Jill Manson
Selina & David Marks
Judy Marshall
Patrick Mears
Mirisch & Lebenheim Charitable Foundation
Carol Mitchell
Miles Morland
Debbie Morris
Mr & Mrs George Newell
Mr & Mrs Jim Nicol
Robert & Jane Norbury
Georgia Oetker
The O’Grady Foundation
Gregory & Susan Palm
Simon & Carolyn
Parker Bowles
Elizabeth & Daniel Peltz
The Mark Pigott KBE Family
The David & Elaine Potter Foundation
Oliver & Helen Prenn
Quercus Trust
Sue & David Ramsbotham
H K Rausing
Stephen & Monica Richardson
Sir Simon & Lady Robertson
Ruth Robinson
The Roddick Foundation
Bianca & Stuart Roden
Michael Rose & Roz Rosenblatt
Jeffrey A & Marjorie G Rosen
The Michael Harry Sacher Charitable Trust
Anya & John Sainsbury
Yusuf & Fawzia Samad
Jon & NoraLee Sedmak
Carol Sellars
Sir Patrick Sergeant
Dasha Shenkman OBE
Mr & Mrs William Shenkman
Clive & Sally Sherling
Rita & Paul Skinner
Jay & Deanie Stein
Joan & Michael Steinberg
Hugh & Catherine Stevenson
Leila Maw Straus
John J Studzinski CBE
Ian Taylor
Eric Tomsett
Jan & Michael Topham
Jonathan Tyler
Mr & Mrs Max Ulfane
The Ury Trust
Edgar & Judith Wallner
Ian & Victoria Watson
Jeffrey Weingarten
Charlotte Weston
Guy Weston
Susan Wilen
Rachel & Anthony Williams
The Stuart & Hilary Williams Foundation
Sir Robert & Lady Wilson
Dr & Mrs Gerald Woolfson
and 15 anonymous donors
Premier Patrons
Emine Basak
Brian Berger & Jody Locker Berger
Peter Blake-Turner
Terri & Timothy Childs
Gill & Garf Collins
Michael & Angela Cronk
Stefan Cross
Liz & Simon Dingemans
Patricia Dugan
Dr Elza Eapen & Dr Govindasamy Balachandran
Sir Vernon & Lady Ellis
Chris & Julia Eskdale
Susan Farmer
Kevin Fink & Michael Corman
Daniela Fissler
The Edwin Fox Foundation
Lisa Freer
Ian & Margaret Frost
Bart Friedman & Wendy Stein
Robert and Pirjo Gardiner
Roopa Girard
Kate Grimond
Charles & Kaaren Hale
Richard H Harding
Soo & Jonathan Hitchin
Chris & Carolyn Hughes
Sophia Hughes
Jane Hurt
William & Weslie Janeway
Dr Evi & Dr Costas Kaplanis
Charles King-Farlow
Debbie & Jonathan Klein
Herbert Kretzmer OBE
Carole & Ted Krumland
David & Linda Lakhdhir
Timothy Lancaster
Marina Landau
Dan & Lucy Lavender
Norman Leinster
Mark & Sophie Lewisohn
James Libson & Anne Joseph
Sir Sydney Lipworth KC & Lady Lipworth CBE
Rachel Lomax
Simon Lorne
David Lubin
Cameron McCracken
Donald Main
John Makinson & Nandana Sen
Jill Matichak
Sir Mark & Lady Moody-Stuart
Sheryl Needham
Elyse Newhouse
Emma O’Donoghue
The O’Grady Foundation
Sheila Ohlund
Mark & Amanda Otway
Rebecca & Robert Page
Kristin M Paulus
Dr Abe Peled
Dr Wiebke Pekrull & Dr Andreas Schaefer
Paulita Pike
William Powar
Bob Reichert & Claire Tremeer
Ms Brid Rodgers & Mr Christophe Czajka
Robert Rooney
Michael Rose & Roz Rosenblatt
David Rosenthal
Beth Rudin DeWoody & Firooz Zahedi
Dasha Shenkman OBE
Alan Shorr
Sylvia Slifka
Brian D Smith
Helen & Anthony Spiro OBE
Arthur & Lois Stainman
Marjorie & Michael Stern
Sue & Stuart Stradling
Lady Juliet Tadgell
Simon Tuttle
James Vanek
Mr & Mrs Eric Vezie
Frank & Emily Vogl
Dr Norman E Weeks
Mr & Mrs Brian M Wides
Janet Yaseen Foundation
and 6 anonymous donors
Mr & Mrs Richard Allan
Tim & Carey Allan
Roger & Angela Allen
Lisa & Marc Allera
Peri Altan
Catherine Armitage
Katherine Ashton Young
Aspect Charitable Trust
Daniel Astaire
James & Jane Astor
Annette Atkins & Thomas Joyce
Professor John & Carolyn Axford
Thomas Balk
Jack Bamberger
Clive Bannister
Mrs Lawrence Banks
Caroline Banwell
Anne J Barsh
Juliet de Baubigny
Arlene Beare
Jop Bekink & Tom Sams
Ian & Wendelien Bellinger
Gene Bernstein & Kathleen Walsh Bernstein
Dr Kate Best
Robin & Veronica Bidwell
The Bertie Black Foundation
Cathie Black & Tom Harvey
Joanne Black
Keith & Tania Black
Phil Blundell
Nick & Anna Bonsall
Victoria Boyarsky & Nick Viner
Dame Ursula Brennan DCB
Deborah Brett
Katie Bullivant
John & Susan Burns OBE
Keith & Pamela Butler-Wheelhouse
Georgia Byng
Sarah Caplin
Susan Carpenter
Stacey & Chris Ciauri
Tim & Caroline Clark
Angela Choon
Thea Cleminshaw
James & Maggie Cochrane
Pauline Cohen
Sir Ronald & Lady Cohen
Jane Collins & Claes Hesselgren
Leigh & Helena Collins
Mr & Mrs Paul Collins
Richard and Lucinda Cormack
Lynette & Robert Craig
Liz Cratchley OBE
Elizabeth Crosoer
Charlotte Cunningham
Amanda & Chris Curry
Kate Dale
Jonathan Daniels
Mr & Mrs Jonathan Davie
Sir Howard Davies
Zara Davies
Andrew & Gill Dawson
The de Laszlo Foundation
Josephine Dean
Jocelyne & David DeNunzio
Mark Dichter
Dr & Mrs C J Dilloway
Leslie Dubow
Annabel Duncan-Smith
Du Parcq (Jersey) Ltd
Asmaa El-Kaddar & Dimitrios Fragkiskos
Sarah Elson
Sue Enoch
Gary Ernest
Davide Erro
Fred & Martha Farkouh
John & Tawna Farmer
David Fein & Liz Oestreich
Susan Ferry
Peter Finer
Claire Fisher
Tony Fisher
Carrie Fleming
Ella M Foshay & Michael B Rothfeld
Ana Garel-Jones
Lucy Garrett
Virginia Garcia Esteban
Jacqueline & Jonathan Gestetner
Karine & Joe Giannamore
Hon William & Lori Gibson
Daniella Gilbertson
The Gillespie Family
Kiki & David Gindler
James Gleick
Adam and Carrie Glinsman
Carolyn Goldbart
Bruce Golden & Michelle Mercer
Val Gooding & Crawford Macdonald
Andrew Gordon & Nicholas Nelson
John & Kiendl Gordon
Paul & Kay Goswell
Alexander Graham
Carolyn Gray
Ann Grieves
Elizabeth & Reade Griffith
Richard & Odile Grogan
Karen Groos
Margaret Guitar
Mark & Moira Hamlin
Jean Hawkins
Guy & Tamara Henriques
Malcolm Herring
The Lady Heseltine
Simon Hessel
Johnny & Jo Hewett
Andrew Hochhauser KC & Graham Marchant
Lesley & Joseph Hoopes
Rodney & Zmira Hornstein
Mike & Caroline Howes
Philip & Psiche Hughes
Edda Ivan-Smith
Simon & Sally Jackson
Daniella Jaff-Klein
Samhita & Ignacio Jayanti
Alison Jenkins & Marc Hayton
Andrew Jenkinson
Morgan & Sarah Jones
Nicholas & Cherry Jones
Brenda Josephs
Patricia Kanter
Susan Karp & Paul Haahr
Alan Karras & David Schulz
David Kaskel & Christopher Teano
Jutta & Sandeep Katwala
Seamus & Sarah Kelly
David Killick
John Kinder
Willette Klausner
Latifa Kosta
Kenneth Lamb
David Lanch
Rocco & Debby Landesman
Nick & Kara Lawson
Shannon Leeman
Paul and Diana Leonard
J Leon Charity Fund
Richard & Claudia Leslie
Fred M Levin & Nancy Livingston
Colette Levy
Sarah & Marc Lewell
Lynn Lewis
Terry & Bob Lindsay
Jeanne Linnes
Britta & Jeremy Lloyd
Harriet Logan
Ian & Monique Lowitt
Felicity Lyons
Gordon & Dena McCallum
Hugh MacDougald
Loretta McCarthy
Lisa McGown
Lady Medina Marks
Jim Marshall
Michèle Marshall
Phil Marshall & David Simpson
Chris Merry
Jane del Missier
Carol Mitchell
Gary Morris & Robert Venables KC
Tim Morshead
Gerald Moss
Dr & Mrs Julian Muir
Jimmy Mulville
Cyril Mundy
Colleen Murphy
Susan Myer Silton & Michael Silton
Louise Nathanson
Ann & Gavin Neath CBE
Sir Charles & Lady Nunneley
Joanne O’Brien
Anatol Orient
Midge & Simon Palley
David Pascall CBE
Robert Palmer KC
Lord & Lady Pannick
Tim Parker
Michael & Mary Parkinson
Gordon & Marian Pell
Alexandra Perricone
Jane A. Peterson & Paul A. Kaju
Roger & Virginia Phillimore
Andrew Pitt
Pat & John Porter
Richard Price
Marie Prutton
Trevor Pugh
Ramos Fuentenebro – Handal family
Nick & Annette Razey
Nick & Annie Reid
Todd & Alison Regenold
Joyce Reuben
Kate Richardson & C. Allegra Berman
Phil & Kate Rivett
Kathleen Roberts & Aaron Loeb
Ruth Robinson
Caroline Roboh
Dr Suzanna & Mr David Roffey
Kristina Rogge
Sue & Tony Rosner
Diana Ross
Peter Roth
David Royds
The Ruddock Foundation for the Arts
Marie Rushton
Sir William & Lady Hillary Russell
William & Julie Ryan
Richard & Virginia Salter
John Sanger
Susan Schwab
Peter Scott
Philippa Seal & Philip Jones KC
Dr Bhagat Sharma
Russ Shaw & Lesley Hill
Florian-Oliver Simm
Anthony Simpson & Susan Boster
Andrea Sinclair & Serge Kremer
Rachel Skingsley
Kate Sloane
David Smalley
Christopher & Ingeborg Smallwood
Mr & Mrs R A H Smart
Fiona Smith
John & Ann Smith
Tessa Smith
Katherine and David Soanes
Sir Harry Solomon
Howard Solomon & Sarah Billinghurst Solomon
Lorne Somerville
Cheryl Sorokin
Hilary Speller
George & Elizabeth Stevens
Gill Stewart
Judy & David Stewart
Oliver & Sally Stocken
Christopher Stone
Lucy Stout
Thomas Strickland
Tim Strong
Andrew & Laura Sukawaty
Sir John & Lady Sunderland
Martin Sullivan
Robert & Patricia Swannell
Esther & Romie Tager KC
Zubin & Archana Taraporevala
Bernard & Nadine Taylor
Roxanne Taylor
Ian Tollett
Fenton Tom
Sara & Nigel Tozzi
Margaret K B Turner
Sharon Tyler
Shriti Vadera
Anu Vege
Diana Venison
Nic Volpi & Claudia Santurio-Volpi
Stephen & Sophie Warshaw
Joan Weingarten & Robert G Donnalley
Nicholas Wells
Oliver Wells
Geoff Westmore
Mr & Mrs Tony Wheeler
Ailsa White
George & Patricia White
Jill Whitehouse
Mr & Mrs Michael Wilson CBE
Henry Windeler Cohen
Jo Windsor
Ann Wingerstrand
Pauline Wittenberg
Richard & Susan Wolff
Nancy Woodruff
Karolina Woolf
David Wormsley
Margaret Wright
C A Wyse
John Yarmick
David & Barbara Zalaznick
Christopher & Sandy Zander
Mr & Mrs Keith Zerdin
Stephen & Laura Zimmerman
and 19 anonymous donors
Young Patron Ambassadors
Matt Aleksic
Abeer Alhedeithy
Sean Anderson
Rebecca Aoude
Alexander Baker
Dr Dilip Bassi
Tamsin Davies & Nick Briggs
Dr Sonal Dhutia
Dr Ben Graham
Nicholas Hadjiyiannis
Ben Hamer & Cressida Peever
Oliver Hamill
Rachel Hardaker
Fiona Herring
James Ibbotson
Gulnaz Julia
Gary Kirk
David Leigh-Pemberton
Danielle Maiorano
Jonathan Matthews
Alex O’Brien
Charlotte Parkes
Amanda Pekoe
Cornelia Pianim
Marcus Plowright
Marina Podpolny
Dr Gaudenz Probst
Dr Scott Rice
Phoebe Saatchi & Arthur Yates
Maria Salabasheva & Atanas Bostandjiev
Jasmine Sanders
Michael Scott-MacDonald
Luke Spurdle
Alonso Teruel
Daniel Trueman
Bill and Elizabeth Updegraff Bartfield
Lisa Valk
Josh Viney
Tim Volkheimer & Jesse Hollister
Alice Whitaker
Jessica Wilkinson
Brent Wilson
and 2 anonymous donors
Supporting Cast
Jocelyn Abbey
Cathy Adams
Lesley Adams
Paul Newton Adams
Genie Adrianopoulos
Caroline Amrolia
Adjoa Andoh
Jeremy Asher
Diane Aston-James
Paul Aukett
Tia Baheri
David Baker
Sir John & Lady Baker
Mr & Mrs Graham Bamping
Nicholas & Diana Baring
Mr & Mrs Andrew Barnett
Christopher Bates
Rosemary Beardow
Wendy Becker
Michael Bennett
Miss Hillary Berger
Kate Bingham
Janice & David Blackburn
Martin Blackburn
David Blanar
Judith Blechner
Margaret Blott
Robin Blunden
Leslie & Pam Blustin
Helen Boaden
Nigel Boardman
Ruth Boardman
Steven Bobasch & Victoria Joel
Niels Boldt-Wilson
Kevin Bourne
Niki Boyce and Kevin Rodgers
Thomas & Alison Boyd
Stephen Branton-Speak
Adrian Brettell
Allison Bright
Alan Brodie
Geraldine Brodie
Dorothy & John Brook
Mr & Mrs Andrew Brown
Graham Brown
Paul Brown
Andrew Burrett
Lysiane W Bysh
Nicola Caisley
Philip & Christine Carne
Donovan Carpenter
David Carr
Ronda Cassidy
Andrea Castro
Diana Cawdron
Lord & Lady Charles Cecil
Charlotte Chapman
Soloman Charles
Peter & Sue Charlton
Jonathan Cheal
Gary Clark
Richard Clark
Melissa Clarke
Tim Clarke
Anne Clayton
John Coldstream
Rebecca Colenutt
Helen Connell
Mark Connell
Claire Connick
Grahame Cook
Alastair Cookson
Caroline Coombs
Rupert Cope
Alexandra Cotton
Jonny Cotton
Stephen Cresswell
Susan J Crosland
John Dallas
K J Darnell
Georgina & Bernie David
Sarah De Bell
Lucinda de Boisgelin
Matthew Dean
Mark Derrick & Alexa Thomas-Derrick
Simon & Nancy Dickens
Anna Dilnot
Vicky Elston
Rusty & Victoria Elvidge
Steve & Sheila Evans
Ian & Diane Farmer
Trevor Farnfield
Meghan Farren
Ernest Fasanya
Dorothy Field
Mo Fisher
Anne Fitzpatrick
Brooke Fitzsimons
Stephanie Flanders
James Flude
Andrew Frank
Gabriela Galceran-Montal
Louise Galvin
Victoria L. Gath
Carol V Geren
Andrew Gibbs
Celia F Gibbs
Genevieve Gilbert
Peter Gillman
M C Godwin
Val Golding
Mr & Mrs J Good
Sylvia Goodman
Jane Grabiner
Sir David & Lady Green
Frankie Greenall
Sarah Greene
Jamie & Celia Greig
Lee Grumett
Nabil Habba
Helen & Richard Hall
Peter & Elaine Hallgarten
Camilla Hamilton
Michael Hamlyn
Clare Harris
Mark Harris
Lorraine Hart
Milledge Hart
Sarah Havens
Alastair Henderson
Lucy Henderson
Chris Henley
Tony & Mary Herbert
Maria Hindmarsh
Lord & Lady Hoffmann
Anne Hogg
Andrea Holder
Elizabeth & Timothy Holland-Bosworth
Victoria Holt
Sheila Hopkins
Brian Hornsby
Gillian Horwood
P D Hughes
Michael Humpage
Benjamin Hunt
Katherine Hunter
Pippa & Martyn Hurd
Helen Jacobs
Pamela Jacobs
Seema Jani
Christine Jay
Michael Jermey
Terry John
Damian Johnson
Alexandra Johnstone
Carol Jones
Hilary Jones
Timothy Jones
Nina Kaye
James Kazi
Gary Kemp
Shaun Kenny
Peter King
Mrs Philip Kingsley
P Kleinman
Christopher Knight
Madeleine Korn
Miss Helen Lamb
Jacqui Lane
Jacqui Lavy
Dr Peter Lawrence
Jennifer M Lazell
Joanna Leigh
Jolana Leinson
Judy Lever
Josephine Likierman
Chai Hong Lim
Simone Lobo
Graham & Eileen Lockwood
Dom Loehnis
Kathryn Ludlow
Dr L M MacDonald
Prof Michael N Maisey
Susan Malthouse
Hannah Manning
Annette Marshal
Chihiro Matsuzaki
Joy D Matthews
Brian May
Evelyn Mckinnie
Andrew & Jane McManus
Eoin McManus
Karen Mcmaster
Sally Mears
Paula Meiklejohn
Lindsay Meyer
Alexander Miller
Reverend Michael H Mills
Simon Millson
Colin & Mary Morrison
Mr & Mrs Robin Morrison
Rob Murphy
Patricia Myers OBE
Dr Ann Naylor
Marina Newington
Sir Anthony & Lady Newman Taylor
Andrew & Sue Nichols
Terry & Penny North
Sir Charles & Lady Nunneley
Luke & Kate Nunneley
Breid O’Brien
Frances O’Callaghan
Denise O’Donoghue
Ellen & Roger Oliver
Sheri Orts
Faiza Ouhla
Dr Elizabeth Owen
Alison Packer
Belinda Paisley
Nigel Parker and Anne Bolitho
J A Parrott
Gary Pasley
Rakshita Patel
John & Margaret Pegler
Christina & Ben Perry
Sir Hayden Phillips
Kathy & John Philpot
Melanie Poole
Emma Pope
H J Potter
Mark Pumfrey
James Rabson
Stephen Ramanauskas
Mr & Mrs Rappolt
Jacqueline Rees
Claudia Restis
David Rhodes
Richard and Susannah Ricci
Mr & Mrs Nigel Rich
Robert Ricks
Jonathan Roberts
Derek Robinson
Dr David Roy
Victoria Russell-Hills
Danuta Rzymkowska
Oliver Sanders
Keeley Saunders
Matthew Saunders
Bruno Moser & Max Schaefer
Alistair Schaff
Dr Hugh Seeley
Ayesha Shah
Linda Shaughnessy
Wendy Sigle-Rushton
Mr & Mrs M Silverstein
Julia Simmonds
Anna Siraut
Jonathan Slater
Richard & Julie Slater
Robert Smeath
Alan & Christine Smith
Jonathan Smith
Sir Martin & Lady Smith
Michael Smith
Rod & Isla Smith
Geoffrey & Mehri Smyth
Pamela St John
Lawrence Staden
Ann Stanton
Gail Steele
Sofia Stenroos
Lord Nicol Stephen
Paul Stewart
Earle Stuart-Callender
Ladislav V Suchopar
John Taylor
Dr Robert Temple
James & Annicka Terry
A H Thomlinson
Luda Thornber
Yuan Michael Tian
Diana Toeman
David Trace
Monica Tross
Brian Turner
Chris & Katrina Turner
Mr Derek King & Ms Marion Turner
Clare & Philip Turner
Stephanie Tyrer
Ceila M Vaile
Aly Van den Berg
Peter Ventress
Mr & Mrs F Von Hurter
Sir John & Lady Waite
Adam Wales
Carmel Ward
John Ward
Paul Watson
Kenneth Watters
Neal Watts
Geraldine Wear
Christopher & Dorothy Weller
Colin West
Mr & Mrs D R Wheatland
Nicola Wherity
Graham & Sue White
Myrna Whiteson MBE
John Wilkes
Edmund Williams
Alyson Wilson
Guy & Annabel Wilson
Neil Wilson
Sarah Wilton & Nick V Manning
Susan K Witherow
Frances Woisin
Peter Wolton
Christopher Wood
Caspar Woolley
R Worthington
Catherine Wratten
Ruth Wyman
Susan Young
Carlyn Zehner
Dereck Zornes
And 18 anonymous donors
Young Patron Premium
Sujata Bhatia
Grace Breen
Emma Brown
Andrew Campbell
Matthew Carver
Natasha Cheung
Sarah Cowley
Rebekah Earp
Henri Egle Sorotos
Victoria Ellison
Sahar Erfani
Elena Girda
Christoph Grafe and Aidan Stringfellow
Ella Gutteridge
Alexandra Hackitt-Anwyl
Julia Hartley
Daivd Hickmott
Russell Hills
Paige Hudson
James Kinman
Sree Mitra
Tabitha Moore
Caroline Murphree
Yukari Ohara
Sarah Parker-Shemilt
Liana Richards
Simon Rudkin
Alex Steeden
Annabel Keith
Richard Turney
Victor Viger-Beaulieu
Jenny Wall
Helen Williams
Samuel Withnall
Young Patron Associates
Danya Agha-Jaffar
Coralie Allison
Alexander Amos
Thomas Bentz
Tom Betteridge
Harry Briggs
Eleni Cashell
Miles Clapham
Nicholas Clemmow
Kate Colman
Ryan Concannon
Fiona Costello
Anouska d’Abo
Anna-Katharina Engelsberger
Anna Ferfeli
Matthew Fosberry
Clare Greenwood
Martin Gresty
Patrick Harty
Harry Hickmore
Gary Kirk
Nadim Lahoud
Gemma Duncan
Edwin Makurah
Laura May
Brendan McCarthy
Emma McCauley-Tinniswood
Jonathan McCully
Mark and Daisy Mitchell-Rose
Brendan Murdock
Tommie Neel
Luke Norton
Hannah Nugent
Krishna Omkar
Francisco Javier Orjales-Mourente
Chantelle Louise O’Sullivan
Alexis Pala
Georga Papatzanis
Judite Petrovica
Paddy Raffan
Christopher Ricot
James Robinson
James Sharpe
Duncan Shepherd
Sandra Smythe
Daniel Taylor
Craig Topp
En-Chi (Angela) Tung
Luca Urbani
Josh Viney
Runshi Wang
Joshua Whelan
Anna Winterstein
Natalie Yalden
Priority Plus
Christopher Adams-Cohen
John Ainley
Gina Alexander
Louise Alexander
Asra Alikhan
Hugh Allan
Adrianna Allenby
Michael Anderson
Roberta Anderson
G A Annable
Lisa Arnold
Robert Arnott
Philip Audaer
J Bacon
Jane Baines
Lorraine Baldry
Kathy Bang
Iain R Barbour
Mr Ian E Barlow
Graham & Rosie Barnes
S Barratt
Elvira Bronheim
Josephine Bassinette
Paul Batchelor
Geraldine Baxter
Joanna Bazalgette
Helen Beach
Elaine Becker
Sharon Beckett
Jacqui Beecroft
Ruger Beelaerts
Nicholas Bennett
Stuart Benson
E S Bird
Sara Biro
M J Blaxall
Anne Bond
Edwin Borrini
Jo Bowcock
Joanna Bowen
Elizabeth Boyling
Heather Bradford
Vera Broke
Emma Brook
Nicholas Brookes
Mary Browne
Robert Burgess
Gwen & Stanley Burnton
Helen Carasso
James Carroll
Joanne Carter
Bhaskar Chakravarti
Adrian Chamberlain
Sarah Chambers
Mark Chamley
Dom Chapman
Alice Chapple
Richard Chatterton
Martin Checov
Anne Chiene
David Chinn
Henry Chu and James Baer
John Clark
Rachel Clark
John B Cleaveland
David Clemens
N A Cockburn
Hilary Cole
Joanna Cole
Anna Colgan
Mary Collins
Catherine Condron
Cyril Courbage
Janine Courtenay-Pinfield
Sharon Coussins
Nora Crabtree
Karen Cunningham
Nick Curran
Amanda d’Abo
Penelope Dash
Sachin Date
Deborah Anne Davis
Edward Davies
Raymond Davis
Daniel Dayan
Jonathan de Lance-Holmes
Paul De Rivaz
Daniele Derossi
John Devlin
Polly Devlin OBE
Christian & Emily Dinesen
Kate Dosanjh
Michael Dowd
Andrew Draper
James Dray
E Drummond
Nigel Duffin
Tony Arn
Mary J Easom
Adrian Evans
Deborah Evans
Rose Evans
Anna Exley
Susan Ezra
Chantal Fabres
Narguess Farzad
Zara Fearon
Michael Feldman
Jeanne Fellowes
Mark Fellowes
Caroline Fforde
Keir Fitch
Christopher Forshaw
Hamish Forsyth
Lady Sabiha Foster
Deirdre Fottrell
Tina Fox
Justina Frampton
Neale Fraser
Theresa Froehlich
Jo Frost
Beverly Frydman
Roger Gahagan
Neil and Nicola Gamble
Joan Anne Gardiner
Kate Gater
Charesa Gayle-Mulhall
Sean Geraghty
Vanessa Gernat
Stephen Godfrey
Samantha Golton
Catherine Goode
Mark Goodridge
Naomi Gordon
Simon Graham
Moira Gray
Stanley Greenberg
John Greenwood
Lynn Greenwood
Ruth Griffiths
Mark Gunning
Jane Gwillim-David
Tony Hagdrup
Susanne Hallergard
Karen Hanlon
Miss Shirin Haque
Julian R Hardwick
Karen Hardy
Andrew Harris
Louise Hartley
Shawn Hartley-Mitchell
Douglas & Mary Hawkins
Barbara Hayes
Mrs Lucy Heath
Caroline Hempstead
Katherine Henderson
Paul Henderson
Thomas Henthorn
Melanie Hewitt
Mr A J and Mrs M Higginson
Lisa Hinton
David Hix
Caroline Hoare
Michele Hockley
Bridget Woollard
James Horio
Andrew Horobin
Susan Howard
Frances M T Hughes
Mark E K Humphreys
A P Hunt
Prof J Huntington
Patrick Hurley
Leah Hurst
Anitra Hussain
Meredith Hyde
Sarah Ingham
John & Sonia Ingram
Judith Jackson
Katie Jackson
Brian & Ros Jacobs
Lucie Jansen
Alan Jasper
Alison Jay
Lorraine Jones
Richard Jones
Colin Joseph
David Joseph
Rohan Kallicharan
Colleen Keck
Jan Keeling
David Kerr
Robert Khan
Gwyneth Kimble
Faith Komarek
Miss Tessa Kulik
Deborah Landis
Margrieta Langins
Alexandra Lawani
Caroline Lazar
R le Clercq
Alice Le Fleming
John Learmonth
R Leon
K Letsinger
Paul Linden
Denis Linford
Sarah Lloyd
T F Loehnis
Richard Lorch
Alison Lousada
Kim Lucas
Paul Lynchehaun
Gwyneth Macaulay
Jenny MacDonald
Alistair Mackenzie
Iain Mackenzie
Nicholas Maclean
Golnaz Maleki
Joshua Mandel
Rachel Mantell
Mark Heappey & Anne Markland
Gillian Marks
Katja Markus
Alexi Marmot
Mr & Mrs Joseph Martin
Jonathan Matheson
Neil Matthews
Mr & Mrs Scott McDermid
Lynne McGowan
Jane McGuinness
Jane McIntyre
Sierra McLeod
Katrina McLoughlin
Sinead McQuillan
Miss Nicola Meek
Lord Neil Mendoza CBE
Malcolm & Christine Menzies
Stanley Merchack
Patricia Michelson
Andrew Milhan
Fiona Millar
Margaret Miller
Richard Milnes-James
Lorna Morgan
Jonathan Morris
Magda Motkowicz-Harrison
J A Mowschenson
Owen G Mulholland
Miss Allison Munroe
Francis Murgatroyd
Graham Nash
Eleanor Naughten
Linda Naylor
Miss Mary-Lou Nesbitt
Jane Nissen
Aine O’Driscoll
David O’Brien
Andrew O’Connor
Kevin O’Connor
Ann T O’Kelly
Rachel Oldroyd
Linda O’Shea
Bernadette O’Sullivan
Cathy Otty
Richard Pace
Christopher Palin
Robert Palmer
Diane Park
Caroline Parker
Veronica A Parker
Richard Parkinson
Joanna Parsons
Diana S Paterson-Fox
Robin Paxton
Simon Payton
Colin Pearson
Nicola Peri
Wendy Philips
J K Phillips
Graham Pimlott
Simon Pinnell
Linda Poil
Simon Prebble
Sandra Price
Hugh Pringle
Fay Quayle
Ravindra Rajakariar
Jennifer Ratcliffe
Hugh Raven
Nigel Rawlinson
Dan Read
Benjamin Redfearn
Fiona Rees
Oliver Refson
Henriette Reichhardt
Janine Rensch
Catrina Richards
Carol Richardson
I Rivers
G Roberts
Christopher Rocker
Chris J Rodgers
Elizabeth Rice
Miss Lorraine Rogerson
Ben Rose
Gerald Rothman
Christina Roux
Philip Rowe
Elizabeth Rowing
David Rowley
Marie Rushton
Carol Samuelson
Oonagh Sands
Kunle Sanyaolu
Phil Schick
Mark Scott
Matthew Sears-Black
Frank Sergi
Patricia Shea
Jennifer A Silver
Lady Simon
Diane Simpson
M Smith
Julie Skattum
Anthony Slide
Peter Slot
Joe Smithers
Diana Smythe
Caroline Southall
Heidi Southall
Fiona Spencer
Ruth Spencer
Unni Spiller
Andrew Stafford
Alistair StClair Smith
Michelle Stevens-Hoare
Keith Steventon
John Stewart & Margaret Ford
Matt Strevens
Alistair Summers
Leah Sutton
Suresh Tanna
Mr and Mrs Russell W. Taylor
Valerie Teller
Julie Thomas
Chantal Thompson
Jennifer Thorneycroft
Louise Townsend
Morris Treger
Ursula Tucker
Mr & Mrs U J Tuqan
Stephen Valentine
Denise Vergot-Holle
Debbie Vertue
Susanna Voyle
James Vrac
Ciaran Walsh
Vincent Walsh
Graeme Ward
Johanna M Waterous CBE
Annabel Wates
Peter Watt
Jean Waygood
Olivier Weber
Stephen Wentworth
Shirley Westcar-Kebby
Annabelle Whelan
Ann White
Gabriela White
Jonathan White
Patrick White
Susan & Jeremy White
Sioban Whitney Low
Louise Wild
Hugh Williams
Patricia Williams
Steffan Williams
Richard Wilmot-Smith
Alison M Winter
Stephen A Wise
Mr and Mrs Maurice Wolridge
Jerica Wong
James Wood
Ben Woodford
Lady Woolf
Anne E Woodhouse
C A Woolner
Sally Wyllie
Katrina Yates
Sue Young
Daisy Zecca
Camille Zientek
And two anonymous donors
The National Theatre is also grateful for the support of our Young Patrons, Digital+ and Priority members.
Thank you to those who remembered the National Theatre with a gift in their will
Brian Abbs
Pauline Avigès-Graham
Mrs Helen Batty
Michael Bowen
Maureen Leonie Brice-Johnson
Betty Bury Roe
Rev John Graham Canham
Mr Peter Geoffrey Canter
Geoffrey Collens
Dr Barbara Collier
Christine Collins
Margaret Cottier
John Coulter
Margaret Cox
Thomas Crehore
Peter A Crumbley
Barbara Dearnley
André Deutsch
Mary Dunn
Lord Dynevor
James Felstead
Margaret Flatman
Margaret Foster
Norah Elizabeth Gilchrist
George Goodsir
Alma Gray
Pauline Graham
Peggy Hadfield
James Hammer
Phyllis Margaret Hammond
Susan Harvey
Moira Hearn
Peter Hermon
Adrienne Hirschfeld
Elizabeth Hill
Jean Holmes
Jacob Matthew Holt
David Hood
Raymond Ingram
Fay Katz
Mrs S G Kelly
Hilary Anne Kinghorn
The Kreitman Foundation
Pamela Lamb
Mary Lancaster
Keith Larsen
James Latham
David Little
Margaret Lowy
Peter & David Lund
Mrs Anne Macgregor
Mabel Mavor
Michael Mcinerney
Audrey Meenan
J L Miller
Henry Mills
Dr Isabel Monk
John Nathan
Michael Nathan
June Marie Oliver
Jennifer Pattison
Mr R H C Pattison
Mr Thomas Pickett
June Pike
Sheila Poupard
Irving Rappaport
Bertha Mary Rudland
Paul Samet
Mrs Ronny Schwartz
Colin Shaw
Maurice Israel Simmons
Madeleine Berta Simms
Malcolm & Joy Singer
Harry Smith
Mrs V M Sutton-Mattocks
Chris Taylor
Phyllis Taylor
Deryck Thornley
Miss Valerie Travis
Mr R Virgo
Andrew J Wall
Zelma H Weisfeld
Douglas Wight
William Wingate
Hazel M Wood
Peter Wood
Robert Woodward
Peter Woon
Irene Worth CBE
Norman Yeadon
Zena Yorke
George Young
and 11 anonymous donors
Trust and Foundation Support

The Aird Charitable Trust
Andor Charitable Trust
The Britford Bridge Trust
The Derrill Allatt Foundation
Gregory Annenberg Weingarten, GRoW @ Annenberg
The Aurelius Charitable Trust
Backstage Trust
The Band Trust
The Behrens Foundation
Maria Björnson Memorial Fund
Buffini Chao Foundation
The Chapman Charitable Trust
The CareTech Charitable Foundation
CHK Foundation
Cleopatra Trust
Clore Duffield Foundation
Cockayne – Grants for the Arts and The London Community Foundation
The John S Cohen Foundation
The Peter Cundill Foundation
The Denis James & Brigid C C Bartlett Charitable Trust
The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust
The Dorfman Foundation
EBM Charitable Trust
The Gilbert and Eileen Edgar Foundation
Edgerton Foundation
Eyre Family Foundation
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
The Foyle Foundation
Genesis Foundation
The Goldsmiths’ Company Charity
The Golsoncott Foundation
Milton Grundy Foundation
The Hearn Foundation
The Ingram Trust
The Stanley Kalms Foundation
The Kartik Foundation
Lambeth Council
Lewis Family Charitable Trust
In memory of Roger Lewis
The Linbury Trust
Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation
John Lyon’s Charity
The Michael Marks Charitable Trust
The 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust
The Mohn Westlake Foundation
Mulberry Trust
Newcomen Collett Foundation
Noël Coward Foundation
The Oakley Charitable Trust
Old Possum’s Practical Trust
The Austin & Hope Pilkington Trust
The Polonsky Foundation
The Rayne Foundation
The Radcliffe Trust
Richard Radcliffe Trust
Red Butterfly Foundation
The Rose Foundation
Rosetrees Trust
The Royal National Theatre Foundation
The Royal Victoria Hall Foundation
The Sampimon Trust
The Basil Samuel Charitable Trust
Sir Peter Shaffer Charitable Foundation
The Shears Foundation
Archie Sherman Charitable Trust
Simon’s Charity
Alfred P Sloan Foundation
The Spectacle Makers’ Charity
The John Thaw Foundation
The Constance Travis Charitable Trust
Garfield Weston Foundation
The Charity of Sir Richard Whittington
The Wolfson Foundation
Woodward Charitable Trust
and 6 anonymous donors
Corporate Support

Preferred Card Partner of the National Theatre

Headline Partner for NT at Home

American Express
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Bank of America
Charles Stanley
Delta Air Lines
Hearst Corporation
Sky Arts
Clear Channel
Edwardian Hotels London
Financial Times
Groucho Club
Union Square Advisors
Premium Members
Mitsubishi Estate London Ltd
Platinum Members
Allen & Overy LLP
Artemis Investment Management LLP
Brunswick Group
Citigroup Global Markets Limited
Hogan Lovells
Gold Members
CT Group
Northern Trust
Nyman Libson Paul
Pentland Plc
Slaughter and May
University for the Creative Arts
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP