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Community partnerships

Find out how we’re building sustained partnerships with theatres and community organisations across the UK.

We believe theatre can be a powerful tool for change.

We collaborate with local theatres, organisations and artists across the country, to empower them to create extraordinary acts of theatre in their local communities.


Bringing communities together 

Since 2017, Public Acts has brought together theatres and community organisations across the UK to create extraordinary productions.

Many of the particpants are taking part in theatre for the first time, enjoying regular workshops, theatre trips and creative social opportunities.

At the heart of the project is the simple idea of connection, between people, their local communities, and their local theatres. Public Acts aims to help participants to overcome isolation, building community and cohesion among participants from a wide range of backgrounds.

What we’ve made together

A group of young people in the community cast costumed in hats and animal outfits, all with streamers.
Play Video

Making our first Public Acts production

In partnership with theatres across the UK

A group of people dancing during a rehearsal, being led by a facilitator in the right of the picture with a microphone

We work in-depth with the 13 partners of our Theatre Nation Partnerships network, to strengthen their relationships with local audiences, schools and communities.

We work with 36 theatres across the UK for our youth theatre festival Connections, championing the talent of young people nationwide.

We support theatres and artists to develop work that’s destined for stages outside the capital via our Generate programme, sharing space and tangible resources.

Explore our partnership projects

More to explore

Discover more of our work with audiences, theatre-makers, and young people across the UK.